Dr Tang mops up blood as Professor Bear examines a pair of wellies, smoke rising from the insides.
Professor Bear, dropping the wellies out of shot.
Welcome! to another spectacular experiment, here, in Lab 52! Today we'll be testing movie science! With these two transporter pods!
Two pods sit in the middle of the Experiment Room.
Professor Bear cont.
We'll be examining the science behind the classic Jeff Goldblum flick, The Fly. Of course, we can't expose any of our colleagues to this sort of danger, so some of our test subj.. uh, friends have stepped forward as volunteers.
A nervous looking snake in a tie and a snail, sat in a pool of it's own slime, wait inside.
Professor Bear
We're hoping to create a snake-sized snail with a venomous bite.
He pauses, looks to the side in close-up, and shrugs.
Professor Bear.
Is everything ready to go, Science Cat?
Science Cat sleeps.
Professor Bear
Ok! Let science commence!
He pushes forward a huge lever and the pods spring into life.
A large green light flashes on top the first pod, before stopping and being replaced by a flashing green light on the second pod. The door to the pod swings open and a thick smoke cloud rises from inside. Through the mist we see the shape of a person moving toward the door. Two sweaty hands emerge, grasping the edges of the pod with it's chubby fingers.
Professor Bear and Dr Tang stand, Science Cat sitting beside them. They're all wearing Blues Brothers style shades. All gasp as the shape pulls itself from the pod.
A shifty looking Piers Morgan stands, sweating. He looks at the three scientists, who look back in wonder. His eyes wander to the Experiment Room door. He shifts slightly.
Professor Bears paw slams a giant red button and the experiment room is engulfed in flames. The Professor addresses the camera with the experiment room behind him. A flaming figure bangs the glass, before sliding down out of sight.
Professor Bear
A dark day for scienceā¦ Anyway, next week we'll be fitting the lab's Smart Car with a nuclear-fuelled power cell and, hopefully, travelling back to last Tuesday, chilli day in the cafeteria. Science out.