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Lab #52: Wood Chuck

Ok a new Lab #52, still working the bugs out of time travel one, be good to hear what you think.


We are watching a Large Bear in a lab coat (Professor Bear) present his show, next to him is a sleepy ginger cat (Professor Cat) and a Orangutang with glasses (Dr Tang)

Professor Bear
Welcome to another amazing experiment in Lab 52! This week we will answer a question that has been bugging scientists for years... How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Int. WoodChuck enclosure

Professor Bear V.O
Thanks to modern science, we have given a woodchuck the means to chuck wood.

A woodchuck with large robotic arms, bulging eyes and muscles stands alone in it's enclosure breathing aggressively.


Professor Bear
Now we are just finishing preparations to the experiment.

Int. Experiment room

Professor Bear V.O
To make this a true test of a woodchucks woodchucking ability we will trap the woodchuck in a burning room with the only escape being to move this large stack
of wood.

We examine the burning experiment room, the exit is on fire.


Professor Bear
Once the woodchuck is free we will weigh the wood that was chucked to get our answer.

Professor Bear turns to his colleague Professor Cat.

Professor Bear
Science cat has the woodchuck been safely locked into the burning room?

Science Cat

Professor Bear
Then let the experiment begin

Int. Experiment room

The Woodchuck runs frantically around the room. It stops and grabs a piece of wood and chucks it and promptly collapses to the ground.

Professor Bear V.O
Ok I thinkthat's all he can manage. The experiment is over!


Professor Bear
Dr. Tang how much did the wood he chuck weigh?

Dr Tang shakes his head grimly

Professor Bear
Oh the wood got burned in the fire?

Professor Bear
hmm a surprise variable

Professor Bear
Ok then extract the woodchuck for further tests!

Dr Tang shakes his head grimly 'no'

Professor Bear
Oh the woodchuck burned too?

Professor Bear turns back to camera.

Professor Bear
A dark day for science....Any way join me next week when we'll be experimenting on cheese! To see if we can find a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

This is great, loved the characters and I think it would come to life really well on film/animation. Coincidentally, my two kids were going on about woodchucks and the whole woodchuck tongue twister thing the other you may be on to something Gavin :)

This is good but I think you could build a little surprise into it/

with the initial character saying

"How much can a wood chuck chuck (puase) lets find out!"

Cheers guys :)

Sooty good idea condensing it.

especially if he mumbles it at first

I liked the first half, but once the experiment starts it seemed to fizzle out for me as regards laughs and a proper ending.

Quote: Shandonbelle @ August 8 2012, 12:13 PM BST

This is great, loved the characters and I think it would come to life really well on film/animation.

Very much this.

I like the characters.

The sketch itself is okay. I'm not quite sure about attaching the giant robotic arms to the woodchuck though? Kinda removes the whole point of the question, it should be "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood with giant robotic arms.

I know it would look good visually but it's kinda random. But it is a cartoon and if you're happy with it, they all I can say is I look forward to seeing it made.

Quote: Shandonbelle @ August 8 2012, 12:13 PM BST

I think it would come to life really well on film

Laughing out loud


Professor Bear
Oh the wood got burned in the fire?

Professor Bear
hmm a surprise variable

Professor Bear
Ok then extract the woodchuck for further tests!

Dr Tang shakes his head grimly 'no'

Professor Bear
Oh the woodchuck burned too?

end quote

Doesn't make sense. did you assign some dialogue to the wrong character?

No, only Doctor Bear can talk the rest of the animals are just normal animals but he can understand them.

Granted that might not of come across in the transcript.

Oh I see.

I wonder if the whole concept might be funnier (or not) if it was the reverse of real life and you had animal scientists experimenting on tiny human beings. Bear might then be better as a big white cuddly Lab Rat.

Woodchuck could then be a tiny human called Chuck Woodey.

Quote: billwill @ August 10 2012, 2:23 PM BST

Oh I see.

I wonder if the whole concept might be funnier (or not) if it was the reverse of real life and you had animal scientists experimenting on tiny human beings. Bear might then be better as a big white cuddly Lab Rat.

I do like the idea of a rabbit or rat scientist.

Agree with Lee on the robotic arms. I would lose the aggression too, and just have a very frightened woodchuck.

I think the next week punchline needs to follow the same idea of an experiment based on a popular phrase. Maybe something around the professor's toilet habits.

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