Saturday 15th November 2008 5:31am
35,978 posts
Quote: Jack Massey @ November 15 2008, 12:09 AM GMT
On par with IT Crowd and Father Ted, tell me Dave, what drugs have you been taking this evening. But agreed it was pretty good. A little too OTT perhaps, but have watched the series recently and had some superb moments and some bad ones. For example, I really didn't like the Phil Daniels' character, far too slobbish for my liking. But some great moments, such as when the Guv goes into his wardrobe and we see he's got about twenty of them red blazers. I really liked Lesley and Leslie, absolutely brilliant when the Guv has to give them free crisps, 'Free Crisps, Free Crisps' Does your tigger want a sling.
And Uncle Barry's hair!
They're the sort of thing I can laugh out loud to everytime even when I know exactly what's coming. Must be my age!