British Comedy Guide

A short sketch. Not sure if I like it or not

Agent Jones bursts in pushing a gurney, lying on the gurney is the Russian president who is bleeding badly. Harry, dressed in scrubs and a surgical mask, jumps up from playing Angry Birds on his phone.

Agent Jones: Doctor, this man in the Russian president. The Kremlin believes one of our snipers took him out. If we don’t save him they’ll consider it an act of war and will launch nuclear warheads within the hour.

Harry:Uh, ok.

Agent Jones:Well, come on! Let’s get the bullet out.


Harry starts frantically taping at his phone.

Agent Jones:What the hell are you doing?

Harry: Umm, searching Google for ‘how to get bullet out of Russian president’. Does bullet have one ‘L’ or two?

Agent Jones: Google?!

Harry:(pulls surgical mask down) I’m sorry; I’m just the work experience boy.

Agent Jones:What? Where the hell is Doctor Cunningham?

Harry:He went to Sainsburys for cookies and coffee.

Agent Jones:Cookies and Coffee!?

The president groans and dies.

Agent Jones:No!

Doctor Cunningham strolls in holding a coffee and a bag of cookies.

Dr Cunningham: Hi chaps, anyone want one of these white chocolate and raspberry cookies? Absolutely delicious. (beat, mouthful of cookie) Who’s that then?

Agent Jones:It was the Russian president.

Dr Cunningham: Oh. He looks a bit off colour.

Agent Jones:He’s dead. We’re gonna need a scapegoat.

Dr Cunningham: Yes, the Russian’s will probably want to torture someone over this.

Agent Jones:I’ve got a wife and kids.

Dr Cunningham: I've just taken out a Netflix subscription.

They turn to Harry.


Two burley men dragging Harry away kicking and screaming



Not a fan of this.

It's all exposition and explanation and it fits together incredibly awkwardly.

Yeah, you're right. Sometimes I just need a good a slap. And the phrase 'incredibly awkwardly' was that slap!

Hi Michael, I struggled to understand the set up. Why would the Russian president be in the hands of (presumably British) agents - whilst the Russians are waiting to see if he'll die or not. If there was a good reason, a clear set up would help. And then it either needs to be situationally funny, have a comic twist, or have a cracking punchline. In the absence of the former, I don't think the Netflix line pulled it off I'm afraid.

It's nil pwan from me too I'm afraid, just altogether too clunky...

It was a nice idea, but the only gag I liked was the 'wife and kids' and 'netflix' one. The others didn't really grab me. I could hear them saying the lines and imagining how they would deliver, but it still didn't have enough punch. The stuff about Cunningham going to Sainsburys...hmmm. A lot of back and forth with the dialogue with not much punch. However, you can tidy it up...there is room for that.

I liked this but agree it doesn't work as it is.

What if you started it at 'Where the Hell is Dr Cunningham?' but with the president already dead?

That way you get to keep all the best lines and don't have to explain why they have the Russian president etc because the joke is then purely about who is going to take the fall for it and is just nicely silly / surreal.

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