British Comedy Guide

Two new Slagg Brother Sketches Page 2

Yes, I liked both sketches, M8...

The acting is coming ... L Pill was funny and I would say to both of you that your acting is getting better all the time... I didn't find the backgrounds a problem in L Pill... sketches can always be done with just minimal background and props, like 'League of Gents' when they just stand up and do their sketches in dinner suits with curtains as a backdrop and chairs and the odd apron (or similar) for a prop... I think it doesn't matter if the script and performance are both funny...

Don't get me wrong though, it's fun to play around with props, of course... in the JM's stuff we get enormous fun out of the props!

I found the second one less funny as I didn't think the acting of the punchline was quite right... if I had been directing that I'd have asked SlagX (sorry, don't know which one is which!) to do it again with different degrees of emotion/surprise 'til I got what I wanted...

But all good, m8!


P.S. I've now watched L Pill 3x by the way... love it! Laughing out loud

I liked the dialogue in L.Pill - agree with Leevil about a lot of stuff. Camera work and setting really took me out of it and found it difficult to get into it.

The gun joke with the two bullets was good though.

Dying? started off promisingly but the direction really didn't sell it to me either. Plus the victims' reaction was a strange choice, acting wise.

So, yeah, good stuff, some nice ideas and dialogue but not quite fully-there for me.

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