Saturday 21st July 2007 1:54am [Edited]
36,464 posts
Time for the old honesty pill. *gulp*. Let's not BS, I'm going to be straight with you.
He's okay but SlagB is no Anthony Hopkins, the other fella is pretty good though, well...better than SlagB.
I'm no director
, but I'll add my two cents anyway
Some of the close-ups look at little cheesy. I'd use a single camera shot floating between the two as they talk and shake the camera (Saving Private Ryan stylee) so it may not be original technique but it would be a visual recognition for the viewer to know the situation these men are in, setting the mood. The cameraman (you, I'm guessing) should act like a third person and when ever you need a close-up, don't cutaway but lean in and have a look at what their doing. (If it's not clear now by now I don't like cheesy, overacted close-ups, they make films look more amateur)
Try and find old achieve war footage to edit in and have them react to bombs blowing up. It'll just give it of a more completed feel. The sound effects are quite good, I'll give you that.
I'm guessing you're using Windows Movie Maker? The effects on there always look really digital and cheap, I'm sure if you look you'll be able to find a cheap/trial/free special effects filter program thing(?)
The scenery
I know it all comes down to budgetary, but I
would've suggested you lay on some grass in your garden or something and have a tight shot of their faces and the grass to hide any modern buildings(what am I saying, this is Wales!?)
The script was good, although the old taking the pill too early joke has been done many times. But it was still good and had it's moments with nice Slagg Bros touches. As I always say, I can see more room for jokes, but I have no idea on your circumstances with budget, time, ect.
Dying, is quite good. Nice 'n simple. I liked it.
It's hard to be critical of something that has already been produced and I hope I haven't been too harsh. I have a tendency to say, "This is how I would do it." which I'm not sure is helpful, but I hope it is and gives you ideas for future productions. I think it's only fair I give you an honest opinion as I'm sure you'll agree, we all need it.
Yeah overall, I liked them. It's great to see the Slaggs any time, we should appreciate you whilst we can, before you sell out and front some Saturday night crappy Ant n Dec style quiz