When your performing should you worry about peaks and valleys in your routine? As in funny joke followed by hilarious joke followed by funny joke etc. Should you have this or is it better to simply have all great jokes. Failing that though is the peaks and valleys method an acceptable way to perform?
For instance I'm currently doing mainly 5 and 7 minute slots and I know I easily have enough material (be it tested or not) to fill 15. I've been wondering about approaching a few promoters who know me quite well and asking to do 10 minutes but although I have enough good material for a solid 7 if I wanted 10 then not all my material would be as good as the rest of the set (although I like to think that it would still work and not kill the room), so should I wait till I have enough material for a solid 10 or just go for it now with what I've got? Cheers