Does anyone else miss the traditional studio based sitcoms?
Okay, so I don't miss the annoying laughter from the audience. But I am starting to miss the gag fest that we used to enjoy a couple of years ago.
When I first got "geeky" about comedy, I turned into a "snob" towards "laughter tracks" or "live audiences" and "quoting" everything
I've been enjoying the IT Crowd repeats lately and it makes me want to watch more shows like it. Just silly jokes that are basically fun. Rather then clever, subtle gags. I want to switch my brain off and just laugh.
Whenever I get around to writing my own sitcom, I'm going to try and make it a gag fest, I'm getting a bit bored with subtle or uncomfortable atmospheres.
I know that there are a few of these around still, My Family, My Hero, errr? (Bad examples or Good examples to prove my point!)
I'm sure someone can make something that's both cool 'n hip - modern stylee but with a traditional base of jokes.
Ramble, ramble, ramble...