British Comedy Guide

KI: 1008 Jobs

Reporter:As the job market continues to fail, I'm with Brian Bindle who, over the last 6 months, has applied for an incredible 1008 jobs! All without success. I'm just looking at your C.V here, Brian, and you spent 25 years working in a biscuit factory and then you were made redundant.


Reporter:So what sort of jobs have you been applying for?

Brian:Loads, teacher, for example. Like in schools n' that.

Reporter:Ok, and you're qualified for that?

Brian:No, but I mean, I can read and write. Not like kids these days with their text messaging and Facebook lingo.

Reporter:Um. Just looking at your CV here....


Reporter:...and you've spelled 'biscuit' as in 'biscuit factory' wrong.

Brian:B-I-Z-K-I-T oh yeah, so I have. LOL, LOL. (beat) I missed out the 'e' at the end didn't I.

Reporter:Brian, all these rejections must be a huge blow for your confidence?

Brian:Well, it's terrible really. Especially with the squad that Hodgson's picked for the Euros.

Reporter:The football?

Brian:Yeah, it was one of the jobs I applied for. You'd think the FA would give me an interview with my track record. I took Yeovil Town to the Premiership in 1998 and I won the World Cup with Zimbabwe in 2054.

Reporter:This is a football management computer game?

Brian:Call it whatever you like; my record speaks for itself.

Reporter:Right. (Muttering) Christ. Anything else you've applied for recently?

Brian:Well after JJB Sports rejected me I tried to become the president of France, made up a campaign slogan and everything.

Reporter:Really? What was that?

Brian:Alle le Brian. French authorities didn't want any of it though. Bunch of racists. (beat) I've always hated the French anyway. I mean, I'm the sort of bloke that could turn my hand to anything. I could do your job. All you need is a microphone and some idiot to talk to.


Brian:Right, give us a go then.

Reporter:Excuse me?

Brian:Come on.

Reporter:No, it's my microphone. I bought it with my own money.

Brian:Give it here.

There is a tussel over the mic. Brian wins out. He speaks into the mic too loudly.

Brian:Right, ok let's start the interview. Um...what is...your...favourite... uh...biscuit?



Brian:F**k this; I'm going back on the dole.

FX:microphone being dropped.


Thanks Michael. Just To comfirm I spotted it, and it's in the mix.

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