Quote: Gordon Bennett @ February 25 2013, 10:53 AM GMTIs the pope German?
Not sure at the moment...
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ February 25 2013, 10:53 AM GMTIs the pope German?
Not sure at the moment...
Wasn't this because he mentioned guns not long after his gag about strikers on The One Show was taken completely out of context by the Daily Wail whingers?
I think I got it off You Tube when it's screening was cancelled.
According to the QI website, the "Just the Job" episode which has yet to go out will eventually be broadcast in August.
That Just the Job episode took forever to happen, but I thoroughly enjoyed it quite a lot.
As I can't find a thread for series K, can I just say that Brendan O'Carroll isn't funny when he's not dressed as an old lady either
I didn't find him particularly funny either.
Quote: fasty @ 25th December 2013, 5:21 PM GMT...can I just say that Brendan O'Carroll isn't funny when he's not dressed as an old lady either
Absolutely. But he wasn't worse than Phil Jupitus, this attention seeking, unfunny git. Always shouting his completely punchline free lines without stopping, ruining the otherwise amusing and relaxed atmosphere.
The Series K thread was just further down the page, but here it is.