British Comedy Guide

Live from Kirrin Island - call for submissions Page 3

Quote: LippyAlison @ May 22 2012, 4:33 PM BST

Great. Thanks! I suppose you'll still want a credit?

Nah you're okay a beer will do ,and I''ll post a couple of olympic sketches thrown in :)

It is all true mind :)

Quote: LippyAlison @ May 14 2012, 6:47 PM BST

If it's still topical and hasn't already been used by anyone then sure. Might be worth taking the opportunity of improving any bits that would benefit from a rewrite though if others didn't pick it up the first time.

hi I meant do you accept simultaneous submisisons? Can I send a skecth to Newsrevue and have it considered for Live from..?

Quote: blahblah @ May 23 2012, 5:17 PM BST

hi I meant do you accept simultaneous submisisons? Can I send a skecth to Newsrevue and have it considered for Live from..?

Yeah, no problems. Though do bear in mind that this will be more the 'best angle' style of Newsjack rather than the broader News Revue tone so might be best to have differing edits for the two shows.


Quote: Marc P @ May 22 2012, 8:29 PM BST

Nah you're okay a beer will do ,and I''ll post a couple of olympic sketches thrown in :)

And you delivered. Thank you very much :) Remind me about the beer some time.

How sweary can we be?

Quote: LippyAlison @ May 23 2012, 10:38 PM BST

And you delivered. Thank you very much :) Remind me about the beer some time.

Oops ok, I will play the tart again
x :D

An exciting update:
I had an interesting visit to the studios of Brooklands Radio
last night and I'm delighted to say they want to broadcast the show at 7pm Monday 18th June and again at the peak slot at 9pm on Friday 22nd June after their sports programme.

Brooklands Radio is an Internet based radio station serving Surrey. It's not Radio 4 but it does mean Live from Kirrin Island will go out to a guaranteed audience immediately after we've put it together and people can "tune in" from all over - it is the world wide web after all :) They also have a listen again service and a podcast feed to iTunes etc.

So if you want the chance to hear your topical sketch broadcast on Monday18th June - and know that others will hear it too - get writing and put it up on critique soon. There are some great pieces going up already - those starting with KI: are submitted for the show.



I love people like you, people who just get things done!

Well done gal, I might just give myself a kick up the arse and write something :P

Quote: Will Cam @ May 24 2012, 6:45 PM BST


I love people like you, people who just get things done!

Well done gal, I might just give myself a kick up the arse and write something :P

:) Please do

Quote: Trinder @ May 24 2012, 9:36 AM BST

How sweary can we be?

Not sweary at all. Think Now Show. Think News Quiz. Think anything at the 6:30pm midweek Radio 4 slot. Before the watershed basically. Less Treason, more Newsjack.

When is the deadline for submissions?
Only asking as it's a bit to early to post topical sketches now for a show that's going out in June.

I think it's more be Topically up to date rather than nailing the news of the week when it's recorded.
Marc P's Olympic sketches are a good example of the kind of subject that will be as relevant now as then.

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ May 24 2012, 11:07 PM BST

When is the deadline for submissions?
Only asking as it's a bit to early to post topical sketches now for a show that's going out in June.

I suggest in the calling note that we'll give attention to all material posted up till midnight on 13th June. In terms of topicality, I expect much of the material we use or write will have some shelf-life as we want to podcast to have some longevity. It shouldn't be a problem if it's a news story that'll run for a few weeks.

ETA: Steve answered as I was typing. Yes many of the examples already up in critique hit the topicality requirement spot on.

Didn't someone a while ago start an Olympic themed writing thread? I can't find it, but I'm pretty sure I wrote on it, unless I imagined the whole thing (quite possible). But there might be stuff on there you could use or that people have forgotten about and could adapt. If anyone can find it.

there was .... :)

Quote: Marc P @ May 25 2012, 11:34 AM BST

there was .... :)

Sinister. Especially with the smiley face.

Marc, what have you done with the Olympic themed writing thread?

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