British Comedy Guide

Breaking comedy boundaries - style


I have long considered myself a gentleman, not the Downton Abbey kind... More like the cigar eating, mahogany wearing type... I'd rather beat Hugh Grant to death than shake his hand.

Anyway I cobbled together a semi comic based website blog and I would appreciate it if people would have a look and let me know what they think :) Thanks

My first post on my website:


:) Like the idea!

Breaking comedy boundaries? Seriously? Aren't there enough people out there already calling themselves "angry" but having nothing interesting to be angry about? (if you don't believe me just go to any open mic night).

Someone cut you up on an escalator? What next, someone pokes you on Facebook? Your girlfriend spends too long in the bathroom? It all just seems a bit wet. Anger is a powerful emotion, and although it can be amusing watching someone get furious over something petty, it at least has to be an original complaint.

Maybe if you started with the escalator thing then went beyond the obvious "arrgh, everyone's dumber than me!" schtick. Like what does it say about humanity as a whole? Are we programmed to annoy one another? Or maybe dig inside and ask yourself how a simple social faux pas gave you the juice to fire up photoshop, post a picture on a blog then invite people to critique your rant. What does that say about you or your character? Might be an angle worth exploring...

@David Bussell
Its more of a fun project that is a play on the odd anger people seem to have for the smallest things, I wanted it to be a 1 min read type thing - so talking about humanities problems is perhaps out of its reach :)

I find it hard to pick any decent criticism out of your reply, so I guess I could always take a few pointers from you. Maybe you could tell me how you thought of your awesome original content regards the inadequacies of basic text to speech software? I suppose I will have to dream of the impossible heights your comedy obviously reaches :(

And the thread title "breaking boundaries" it's ironic - Although you did give me an idea for my next one - going to be a talk on how people wearing armor made of pots shouldn't call the kettle black whilst throwing rocks in a glass house.

@Dellas - Thanks :)

Quote: AngryGentleman @ May 6 2012, 10:40 PM BST

@David Bussell
Its more of a fun project that is a play on the odd anger people seem to have for the smallest things, I wanted it to be a 1 min read type thing - so talking about humanities problems is perhaps out of its reach :)

I find it hard to pick any decent criticism out of your reply, so I guess I could always take a few pointers from you. Maybe you could tell me how you thought of your awesome original content regards the inadequacies of basic text to speech software? I suppose I will have to dream of the impossible heights your comedy obviously reaches :(

And the thread title "breaking boundaries" it's ironic - Although you did give me an idea for my next one - going to be a talk on how people wearing armor made of pots shouldn't call the kettle black whilst throwing rocks in a glass house.

@Dellas - Thanks :)

Sounds to me like you asked for critique when what you actually wanted was a back-pat. Certainly you're perfectly content with the well-meaning yet totally unconstructive feedback you were given (no offence to Dellas - just speaking technically).

I gave you three paragraphs of feedback - my take on your material and a wrap-up suggesting how you might further/improve on the idea. That's basically how critique works. What I got in return was unsolicited feedback on my own work, which doesn't strike me as terribly constructive coming from someone who obviously feels slighted. I didn't even understand half of what you were talking about to be honest (text to speech software?)

Anyway, good luck with it all. If you manage to prove me wrong and make a big success of it feel free to come back and rub it in my face.

Quote: David Bussell @ May 6 2012, 11:26 PM BST

Sounds to me like you asked for critique when what you actually wanted was a back-pat. Certainly you're perfectly content with the well-meaning yet totally unconstructive feedback you were given (no offence to Dellas - just speaking technically).

I gave you three paragraphs of feedback - my take on your material and a wrap-up suggesting how you might further/improve on the idea. That's basically how critique works. What I got in return was unsolicited feedback on my own work, which doesn't strike me as terribly constructive coming from someone who obviously feels slighted. I didn't even understand half of what you were talking about to be honest (text to speech software?)

Anyway, good luck with it all. If you manage to prove me wrong and make a big success of it feel free to come back and rub it in my face.

I'm not seeking back-patting, I would just prefer criticism that is actually useful - what you gave me is 3 paragraphs of Mr. Big Dick trying to be sharp in his post rather than helpful your entire 'critique' can be summed up as "could be more original" and "could be less shallow" - the rest is flowery diatribe.

Just be vaguely nice its not hard - and don't expect people to be all peaches and cream when your peddling bitter prose. Looked at your YouTube to see if you were funny and I should heed your words... THATS the text to speech routine you did.

Quote: AngryGentleman @ May 7 2012, 12:02 AM BST

I'm not seeking back-patting, I would just prefer criticism that is actually useful - what you gave me is 3 paragraphs of Mr. Big Dick trying to be sharp in his post rather than helpful your entire 'critique' can be summed up as "could be more original" and "could be less shallow" - the rest is flowery diatribe.

Just be vaguely nice its not hard - and don't expect people to be all peaches and cream when your peddling bitter prose. Looked at your YouTube to see if you were funny and I should heed your words... THATS the text to speech routine you did.

Well, you're angry, I'll give you that.

Yes, I was trying to be sharp in my post - proper communication is part and parcel of being helpful. I'm sorry you've taken a distaste to my critique - obviously you're free to disregard it. Word of advice though, you might want to get used to people not liking your work as much as you do. And it pays to listen, particularly when they're offering ideas for improvement. The trick is to listen, consider then act - in that order. Strikes me you might have passed over a stage in the rush to defend yourself.

Oh, and I think I know the video you mean now - the old stage stuff about accidentally texting a land line, right? Appreciate the input but I already got my feedback from the room of laughing people.

David, maybe think twice about the tone of your posts when replying to a new forum member.

AngryG, you have every right to defend yourself if you feel you've been wronged but this is the internet, let it slide. Buss did take the time to review your material, he gave you his opinion. He could have spent that time checking out someone else's post. Even though you didn't agree with his feedback, takeaway the lesson that everyone might not like your stuff.

This is getting waaaay too Mauri povich for me


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