British Comedy Guide

Night night/bye bye Page 367

Another night with the fan!

Night all

Quote: G180e @ July 8 2013, 10:05 PM BST

Another night with the fan!

Like Christiano Ronaldo. ;)

Night night!

Time for bed! Night night, BCGers!

Night, people! It's been a good BCG evening!

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

Good night, good night!

Goodnight all.

Will Cam is on a promise !

Off to bed with 'When the Devil Drives' . Long sleep tomorrow unless the sleeplessness devils get to me.

Goodnight all

Night all Wave

Quote: G180e @ 8th July 2013, 10:05 PM BST

Another night with the fan!

Night all

Is she still a fan ?

Off to brush my teeth and then turn in for a caffeine fuelled sleep.

Night night, everyone!

Blimey, is that time?

Heading to bed for the night. Goodnight and best of luck with your dreams.

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