British Comedy Guide

Night night/bye bye Page 364

Quote: Nil Putters @ August 10 2012, 4:31 PM BST

Think I might take some time away from the site, as life has thrown me a wobbler in the last couple of weeks and my place of escape doesn't seem so friendly atm.

No doubt I probably won't make it through the weekend, but see you on the other side.

Don't stay away too long Nil Console

Nils find a peaceful place, and keep in touch we need you here ok x night.

That post by Nil was from months ago. He's been back ages!


Thanks for he kind words though.

And 'the wobbler' is still ongoing. :(

Farewell, adieu, bon voyage etc for today. I'm going to bed.

In your lilac dressing gown ?

Nite sir!

I am heading up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire.

Where you from, using a phrase like that. You sound like me Dad.



Night peeps.

I think it is time to bid goodnight.

Well I'm off again. Will I come back? Who knows?

I'll be back tomorrow.

Now you're so old you obviously need your sleep. (snigger).

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