British Comedy Guide

Night night/bye bye Page 359

Quote: DaButt @ August 13 2011, 3:08 AM BST

I downloaded it. Pirate :O :O

I never go to the cinema. Gonna make exception to this though. It's about time I payed for a movie.

(Because I normally wait for them to come on the telly) Whistling nnocently

Quote: Leevil @ August 13 2011, 3:10 AM BST

I never go to the cinema. Gonna make exception to this though. It's about time I payed for a movie.

It was better than I expected. I find that I pay to see a lot more movies now that there's a nearby cinema that serves (really good) beer at your seat.

Last time I remember going to the cinema was before legal drinking age! I doubt they do but I hope they serve beer over here now. It would certainly make a lot of movies better.

My girlish-bladder-owning friend is demanding the return of the intermission. He can't make it through a 90-minute movie without running off for a pit stop. I, on the other hand, can wait through a 3-hour extravaganza before relieving myself. I feel superior.

I have a very girlie bladder, especially when it comes to drinking beer. The pub we regularly go to is about 15 minute drive. What a hellish drive home that can be at times.

Must go to bed! Goodnight, Da!

Quote: Leevil @ August 13 2011, 3:25 AM BST

Must go to bed! Goodnight, Da!

Hasta la vista, baby. Talk to you from the deep South ...


^ What he says ^

Well it's been a funny old night around here tonight :S

Good night, sleep tight, don't shit the bed Wave

Too late!


Always a pleasure but I'm off to bed now.

Move over Sunshine, I'm getting in.

night all Wave

Sore throat :( Night y'all.

Off to do a bit of rape, eh, I mean rake, um no, I mean cake! CAKE! Yes, rape. Cake! Rape Cake. It's um, err a surprise birthday cake. Has pepper spray on it. Yes, it's not too popular. But crazy cakes are what people want these days. That and a good raping.


Nothing wrong with raping a cake. When they say no they mean yes.

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