British Comedy Guide

Night night/bye bye Page 345

Right, time for bed. Night, night. Wave

Same here. Good night all!

Yup now that I have aired my embarrasing problems & made everyone sick. I shall take my frustrated self to bed.
Nighty Night!

Ben is going to slide off to bed now.

Ben's had some wine and can't be bothered to make his work sandwiches, so it's off to bed to watch some TV. Salut!

I am a tired little Teddy bear. Goodnight all Wave

Ben is off to bed where he will hopefully dream of the BCG ladies.

Night Ben.

Good night, everybody. See you tomorrow.


Ben can't sit round entertaining the beautiful all night, so he's off to bed. BYE!

Will Cam is all punned out and is off to bed. 2 more days at work then on holiday for 3 weeks :D

Night Ben!

Night Will!

Quote: Will Cam @ August 11 2010, 11:10 PM BST

Will Cam is all punned out and is off to bed. 2 more days at work then on holiday for 3 weeks :D

I'm packing for my trip to Boston tomorrow. Only a week, but it'll do.

Think a chapter of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's 'The Valley of Fear' with a hot beveridge in bed is on the cards for me. Goodnight all.

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