British Comedy Guide

Night night/bye bye Page 259

I am off. I am being a fairy tomorrow and selling fairy luck and good will. Read into that whatever you like. Laughing out loud


Good night to you.

Night night, Ruby.

Ah, so 'Ruby' refers to the colour light outside her front door. I seee.

Night Rubes, night all! Wave

Night Ruby, night Nils Wave

Hope this is a coincidence and you're not off together.

Nil's off to have a sad sicky wank.


Quote: Aaron @ November 13 2008, 11:40 PM GMT

Nil's off to have a sad sicky wank.

I don't think I could, even if I wanted to.

Woah. You really ARE sick!

Righty ho, I is a tired ho, off to bed veeeery shortly. Goodnight all Wave

Night night me Jewitch.


Wave Wave

Night everyone! I'm very sleepy and keep saying silly things.

Aww! Night Scats! Wave

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