British Comedy Guide



My name is Kirk and I'm a budding writer. I've written a few episodes of a sitcom but have yet to finish the series.

I like a broad range of comedy... too many to list. Although I'd have to admit, I haven't explored much comedy pre-1990 (with the exception of Fawlty Towers and a few others).

This site is very useful for sitcom related information and the message board is the 'icing on the cake' (trust me, my writing isn't as cliched as that!).

Hats off to Mark and Aaron :)

Glad to have the place running! :)

I must admit, I'm a bit of a budding writer myself. I've not got as far as "a few episodes" completed just yet, but I've written numerous sketches (most of which are probably pretty bad really!), and have a 6-episode sitcom all planned out episode-by-episode on paper. Hopefully I'll find time to finish it at some point soon!

Anyway, welcome to the board, and have fun. :)

Aaron - have you considered a cowriter? Basically - one person makes all the ideas (you), and shifts it onto someone else to write >_< just joking. Maybe we should start up a looking for a co-writer thread, as I have mine - but quite a few people e-mail me asking me if I'm free to co-write O_O

Well, I was working with a friend... Unfortunately other commitments have meant that it's got a little pushed to the side of late. Like I say though, hopefully I'll manage to finish it at some point soon.

(I certainly wouldn't rule out working with someone else of course, just not quite ready to go there yet.)

Yeah. My co-writer just got eaten up by the industry ;_; I'm still in denile about it.

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