JUSTIN:The Big Society was David Cameron's defining project; and like so many prestige projects fallen victim of the recession, it is a windswept vacant lot where you would not want to venture alone at night. Newsjack gatecrashed Downing Street for architect Steve Hilton's farewell bash.
HILTON: It's all the LibDems fault. By now a proper Tory government could've had millions of workers off the public payroll and gaining valuable experience doing jobs for free.
CAMERON:Yes, Steve, it is for your finely attuned political instincts that I have always kept you close to me; and indeed never out of my sight.
HILTON: What people don't get is that you don't need a bloated public sector if everyone mucks in.
CAMERON:For the last time Steve, I am not doing lollypop duty outside Parliament. Not while Chris Huhne still has a driving license.
HILTON: But someone has to represent compassionate Conservatism.
CAMERON:Have your tried George? Just my little joke.
HILTON:You know he's after your job?
CAMERON:Yes, and so long as George is the only threat to my leadership, I shall continue to looks as smug as Michael McIntyre winning an award for outstanding smugness at a convention for the unbearably smug. This isn't much of a leaving do.
HILTON: I don't understand it. I organised it all on sound Big Society principles.
HILTON: I sent out an 'invite all' e-mail, saying bring your own wine and nibbles.
CAMERONo it's just going to be the two of us then?
HILTON: Looks that way. You could at least have brought a bottle.
CAMERON:It would've helped if one of us had.