JUSTINThe equalities minister Lynne Featherstone claimed last week that the church doesn't own marriage, the people do. To get the Church's view we've invited in Catholic Priest and outspoken activist against same sex marriage, Father Homer Fobic. Father, how do you respond to Lynne Featherstone's comments?
PRIESTShe's wrong, wrong, wrong. God made everything, including marriage. We are God's church, therefore we own marriage. So there.
JUSTINBut do you accept that the Church's views come across as a little antiquated...?
I'm not listening, la, la, la, la, la.
JUSTINFather Homer, Father.
PRIESTNope, not listening, la, la, la, la, la, la.
JUSTINFather Fobic adopting the Catholic Church's standard debating tactic there. Well, whilst we wait for the Father to grow up, we'll take a short break... I wonder what I have for lunch?
PRIESTIs that a... beef and gravy sandwich?
JUSTINYes, with horseradish too, my favourite.
PRIESTIt's mine.
JUSTINNo it's not, that's, that's my sandwich.
PRIESTGod made it, therefore it's my sandwich.
JUSTINGod didn't make it, my wife did.
PRIESTYes but who made the bread, hmmm?
JUSTINWell, Greg's.
PRIESTYes but who made the ingredients, God did, God did. (BLOWS A RASPBERRY)
JUSTINFather Fobic, you can't just use 'God made it' as an excuse to claim ownership over anything you want.
PRIESTYes I can, it's just like taking candy from a baby, which is pretty easy.
JUSTINYou didn't... you haven't taken sweets from children?
PRIESTI have, they're God's sweets therefore my sweets.
JUSTINBut it's a baby.
PRIESTAnd who made the baby?
JUSTIN(Awkward clear of his throat.)
Well when a man loves a woman very much...
PRIESTI know all about the birds and the bees, thank you. I may be celibate but I do understand the finer arts to copulation.
JUSTINAs I'm sure your choirboys can testify.
PRIESTGod wants your Orange Tango too.
JUSTINJust take it.