Okay, here are my thoughts on your first episode...
Your intro is too long. Pretty and all, but with a miniseries like this you're just wasting time. Don't give your viewer an excuse to switch off - get straight into the action.
...and when I say "action", maybe not 30 seconds of absolutely nothing! Ask yourself this honestly - would you sit around watching a stranger's video for a minute and a half if bugger all was going on? Most your audience are sitting around looking for something to watch during their lunch break. There's a world of competition out there and you're giving them soft focus nothing.
The direction is a little off - for instance the two ladies talking at the start don't quite meet in terms of eye line. It's only slight but they might as well be in different rooms for the effect it has. Likewise, the cleaning girl is looking the wrong direction in her conversation with the couple later. Whoever is working the camera would do well to learn some basic cinematography - things like not "crossing the line". A little more attention paid to lighting would help too.
The casting isn't right at all. You guys look like students but you seem to be playing characters at least 10 years older then your actual ages. We see this a lot and it makes the whole thing look like a bit of a nativity play I'm afraid. I admire you for getting out of your skins and not making a show about life in student halls, but there must be a better angle than pretending to be middle-aged suburbanites. There's an uneasy tone in the acting styles too - the first two girls are playing it like a kitchen sink drama but the guy and the cleaner are going very broad with their performances.
All in all, the show is neither all that dramatic nor all that funny. Sorry not to be able to have nicer things to say but you asked for feedback and it does no favours for me to bullshit you. I know from experience how it feels to have someone lay into something you're proud of and have worked hard on, but as a finished product this is just a non-starter. For me at least.
Please don't let that make you feel bad though because, make no mistake, shooting a whole series is a huge achievement and a fantastic way to learn the ropes. If you carry on with this work ethic your output will improve exponentially to the point that you'll look back at this in a couple of years and cringe. I shot my first video something like 10 years ago and at the time I made it I would have defended it to the death - nowadays just thinking of it makes my balls shrink.