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Another Peterborough FM jokefest request...

I'm sure you are all utterly bored of me banging on about my weekly
community radio show but it's time to input some more comedy input from the good people of BCG.

For those who don't know the Pleasuredome Pick'n'Mix is now a two hour show on on Saturday evenings. Last year I did a couple features on 'Time and 'School/Education'

The next themed show will be between 8:00pm and 10:00pm on Saturday the 3rd March and I'm after material based on the subject of...

MOVING HOUSE (as I will have done the day before)

I'm looking only for emailed gags and one-liners (no recordings) simply because it makes it easier to edit.

The deadline for submissions is by the end of Thursday 23rd February and ALL should be sent to I'm afraid I can't offer payment but it is at least a chance to have your material read out on air - you will of course be name checked in the show itself. Please tell me if you want to be credited with your actual or forum name.

I want to give everyone a chance so my aim is to include one joke per BCGer. I can't promise to include everyone every time but I shall do my best. I took a couple of liberties with the material in the last show with a few minor rewrites but I'd rather get agreement between me and the writer. For that reason I need to leave a week before transmission to get it all sorted out.

If you have any questions then just ask away...

Welcome back, enjoyed these!

Yeah, will have another pop at these...geddit? :$

Thanks people for your entries - I'll be putting the clip together either tonight or tomorrow for broadcast on Saturday.

The Facebook show page is now available so if you want to say you're listening in (which you can over the Internet at I'll give you a shout out.

Well, last night in the early hours (as I sat among a multitude of boxes and bags) I completed the sound clip for Saturday's BCG Jokefest on moving house.

I did make a couple of minor tweaks to the gags I was sent but sometimes you have to do that for a community radio station. All good stuff though - I will post a Soundcloud link when I get connectivity after the weekend but if you want to hear it sooner you can listen live on at around 8:40-45pm or listen back on the podcast.

Nice one, look forward to it.

whens the next show?

The next show is Saturday between 8-10pm. See my signature and earlier posts for details of how you can listen in.

Good work Sir!

Missed the show last night, will you be doing that soundcloud link thing again?

I missed the broadcast on Saturday night - but downloaded the podcast yesterday.

Great work, as usual!

Here's the podcast download link -

Thanks for putting the link up - sporadic connectivity at the moment. If I remember the clip is about 40-45 mins into the show.

Weirdly I am writing this at the old house because we have a few last bits and pieces to do and would you believe I had to answer the door to a Jehovah's Witness.

Excellent show, hadn't heard that Harry Enfield song for years. Jokefest going down a bomb too :D

Thanks for that - I enjoyed it this week but it was all over the place towards the end. That's the chance you take when you invite fellow presenters to 'chat' when you have a tight time schedule to keep to.

Will try and do another Jokefest at the end of March.

I'm looking to do another BCG Jokefest on Saturday 28th April. I'm after material based on the subject of...


I'm looking only for emailed gags and one-liners (no recordings) simply because it makes it easier to edit.

The deadline for submissions is by the end of Monday 23rd April and should be sent to or as a PM on BCG. I'm afraid I can't offer payment but it is at least a chance to have your material read out on air - you will of course be name checked in the show itself. Please tell me if you want to be credited with your actual or forum name.

I want to give everyone a chance so my aim is to include at least one joke per BCGer. I can't promise to feature everyone every time but I do my best. I occasionally take a couple of liberties with the material with minor rewrites but I avoid that if I can. If I feel it is necessary I always aim to get an agreement with the original writer before broadcast. For that reason I need to leave five days before transmission to get it all sorted out.

If you have any questions then just ask away...

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