Quote: ContainsNuts @ July 9, 2007, 7:02 PMLike I say he is not. And his radio show is not about embarrasing Karl as he doesn't get embarrassed its about exploring his bizarre theories and making funny comments, how is that the same as the Office and Flanimals?
My point about Pavarotti is that they are both fat. No, that can't be right. I mean, that his style why should he change it? Some people just write gag-only, or dark comedy, should they also change? Basically you want him to change into the comic you would want. He deals with reality humour, and the stats show that more people like his work than anyone else, so why should he change?
Reality humour? So you feel uncomfortable around disabled people and/or black people? Or do you generally spend your days making a fool of yourself in front of hugely famous celebrties?
I think I've worded things wrong, it's not that he's doing the same type of comedy it's the fact he's doing the same damn 'joke' all the time. 'Say something offensive in front of a black man....cringe"..."Say something inappropriate in front of a woman in a wheel chair...cringe"..."Say something horrible about a woman with cerebral pausy...cringe"..."Say something embarrasing in front of a kid with down syndrome - cringe"...do you see a pattern emerging? And then you have the plotlines and character traits he writes for the celebrity guests..."Ben Stiller - acts really arrogant and big headed"..."Orlando Bloom - acts really arrogant and big headed"..."Robert Lindsay - acts really arrogant and big headed"..."Kate Winslet - acts really arrogant and big headed"..."Ross Kemp - acts really arrogant and big headed"..etc etc.
And I didn't say Flanimals was the same did I? I said apart from his books the rest of his material follows the same suit. Was The Office good...YES it was, it had funny and relatable characters and lots of great moments...was it original..NO. Was Extras a good follow up...NO it was pretty damn awful.