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What are you reading? Page 17

Life by Keith Richards

Part way through this heavy 2" thick tome of well over 500 pages, which so far has been an interesting, apart from it's written in American speak for some reason ?!?! And you know me and my bug bear with regards to that, with American spellings etc. etc. and liberal use of the disgusting and unnecessary MF - an awful piece of slang swearing.


I thought for a minute it might be an American publication, but no, British publisher, editor, printer etc. etc. etc., so WHY print it entirely in Americanese. Just doesn't make sense, as I would have thought the book would have sold in the USA without that, if that was the reason behind it. Just f**king weird, if you ask me.

Anyway. Apart from that, the man speaks my language, being a blues fan and there's some great photos, and I was pleased to see that in amongst his eclectic selection of vinyl albums, which are featured inside the book covers, is the album McLemore Avenue by Booker T. & The MG's, which I have in my collection, that I bought many years ago when I was heavily into organ jazz and that ilk.

Basically, it is an instrumental album of The Beatles Abbey Road. Love it!


Even the sleeve has been "copied" back and front


By a curious coincidence, I just saw that and was intrigued but then I remembered I have six billion Beatle CDs I haven't even opened, including studio full lengthers from all four except John.
Reading Ringo's Postcards From The Boys. A gem.

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 19th February 2022, 8:03 AM

Reading Ringo's Postcards From The Boys. A gem.

Had that for Christmas when it first came out - 2004!! Doesn't time fly when you're enjoying yourself.

There's a brilliant cartoon of the Abbey Road zebra crossing, by Bestie I think - John dropping a handful of tin tacks for the barefoot Paul. Wish I'd thought of it.

I tried googling for it, and the sheer number of visual references is staggering.

Even The Young Ones (Boring). They're more successful than me.

Picked this up at a second-hand book shop...


So now gone back to his first.....


I'd read Enigma, but had forgotten what good writer he is.

Sorry for huge picture - still don't know how to make pics smaller. Do I have to make the source image smaller?

Having recently discovered Peace Work by Spike Milligan I am currently reading Where have all the bullets gone by the same gentleman.

I am start to read - Animal Farm by George Orwell. My friend was reccomended. And i can say that this book teack us a lot good things. The main thing is not to succumb to the opinions of others. Have your own opinion. I just found this article where perfectly described what this book teaches - So i also highly can reccomend this book.

I remember ''''reading'''' a soft porno with 'models hand picked by the editor.' I assume that was his free hand.

Quote: Matt33 @ 17th March 2022, 12:03 PM

I am start to read - Animal Farm by George Orwell. My friend was reccomended. And i can say that this book teack us a lot good things. The main thing is not to succumb to the opinions of others. Have your own opinion. I just found this article where perfectly described what this book teaches - So i also highly can reccomend this book.

I love it when people point out that Animal Farm is actually a political allegory. Yeah, cheers. I always assumed the most astute political thinker of the last century was just writing about talking pigs and geese on a magic farm. File under 'The Great Dictator is based on Hitler' and 'Narnia has Christian undertones'. You learn a new thing every day.

Gary Numan - (R)evolution

The Divine Comedy. Not very funny, is it?

Excerpt from Judy Blume's forthcoming novel, 'I'm 16. Am I Too Old To Still Want To Sleep In My Mom's Bed?':
Chapter 3. ''I'm 16. Am I too old to still want to sleep in my mom's bed?' I'm 16 and I wanna sleep in my mom's bed. But then I think, Am I too old to wanna sleep in my mom's bed? It's okay to wanna sleep in my mom's bed when you're 6. But I'm 16 now. Maybe I'm too old to wanna sleep in my mom's bed. Will I still wanna sleep in mom's bed when I'm 70? What if Mom dies? Grandad died when he was 70. Did he wanna sleep in my mom's bed? I guess I'm just kinda confused.'
The book will be published with the others Judy wrote this morning, 'When Mom and Pop leave I play loud music and mime even though I know it's silly', 'The kids at school call me bad names And I Pretend Not To Care But Really I Do And When I Go Home I Cry Because I Am A Painfully One-Dimensional, Bland Stereotyped Adolescent Delineated In The Most Patronising Way Possible By A Condescending Multi-Millionaire' and 'Girls Don't Wank'.

Love this article . It's spot on - as a kid, I just thought William was fun, but rereading, I appreciate her satire. Even better than Jennings.
Billy Bunter is total shit.

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 1st May 2022, 9:45 AM

Billy Bunter is total shit.

None taken.

Never got into Billy Bunter. William and Jennings all the way.

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