Hey there.
If anyone located in or around the North East is thinking about a writing partnership, I would be keen to hear from you.
I'm performing stand-up at the moment, only done a few, and I would like to work with a partner with whom the material we write is interchangeable so that either of us can perform the stuff on stage in the first instance.
Im also interested in writing sketch comedy and possibly working as part of a double act.
Im not asking these questions because Im a lazy twat, though I am, but rather that I think two heads are, quite literally, better than one. AND because we aren't "Close" then we are more likely to be honest about each others work. Which, to me, equals higher quality material.
Check my profile on facebook (paul currah - picture of dog as profile pic) and if you're interested, let me know.
North East preferably, because it will involve working in proximity, I reckon.