Here are the results of the totalled up votes in the Eurovision Sitcom Contest script selection (where a Yes gives 2 points, a Maybe gives 1 point, and a No gives minus 1 point). The figure in brackets is the total when the writer's vote for their own script is removed (these are the writers who admitted in their votes which was their own script, I realise there will be others who voted for their own script but didn't mention it, and whose online name doesn't match their author name. If anyone wants to report any amendments that should be made, please let me know. The full table of votes is now in the SitsVac files).
Checking Out16 (*14)
Art for Arts Sake10
Band on the Run10
Cooper 10 (*8)
A Weekend with Wogan9 (*7)
Outgoings7 (*5)
Sing Your Life6 (*4)
A Long Way to Azerbai4
Rogue State3
All The Fun Of The Fair 0
Linda 0 (*-2)
Moonstricken -1
Meat -2
A Thong For Europe -2 (*-4)
MakeupDave -3
Think Tank -4
Eurovison Boycott -5
Labasci Washington -7
Euromurder -10 (*-12)
Peoples Flag -13
I shall be making the decision about how we proceed today and shall be
announcing that later. Thanks and congratulations to everyone who entered and
everyone who voted, I hope we've all got something out of the process. Next stop
- the Eurovision Finals where three of these scripts will be up against the
French and the Israeli entries.
Kev F Sutherland
Creator & Producer
The Sitcom Trials