Sorry, I'll just re-write that, I meant I don't like this particular passage. I thought they other stuff was 'ok', but, you can't please everyone! I'm sure many many people won't like my stuff, and to be honest, I'd rather a small % really appreciate it, than a lot of people think it's 'ok'.
Look at Curb Your Enthusiasm or Peep Show for example! So many people say 'they don't get it', but for me, they are absolutely brilliant.
Here's a bit of mine.
It's been re-written several times since I posted it, and I believe I've made it a lot better. Obviously you can't see it in the scenes I have posted up, but I've put a back story to it now. I found by getting a piece of paper, writing out each scene in a few sentences, I was able to link part of the scenes together in order to develop an ending which would be both funny, and bring the whole episode together.