British Comedy Guide

Pan Am

Not a comedy I know but there are comedic flashes.

Wasn't expecting much from this when Mrs Will Cam started sky+ing it. But it is actually very watchable.

Looks like it was made by some US TV network committee who thinks Mad Men won awards because of its suits and set design. But yeh watchable nonsense.

I watched about half an episode but I couldn't really get into it. Seemed to be lacking something.

Quote: zooo @ November 29 2011, 11:27 PM GMT

Seemed to be lacking something.

Decent plots.

Quote: youngian @ November 29 2011, 11:13 PM GMT

Looks like it was made by some US TV network committee who thinks Mad Men won awards because of its suits and set design.

Yes, I thought something similar; the network guys knew Madmen was well-respected and appealed to the audience's sense of nostalgia for a golden age (in a time of uncertainty), so they borrowed the style but replaced anything dangerously thoughtful with easy romantic drivel.

I watched it for about half way through - but couldn't do the rest.

Who was the French woman in the clip I saw? She was gorgeous.

Quote: Nogget @ November 30 2011, 6:51 AM GMT

Decent plots.
Yes, I thought something similar; the network guys knew Madmen was well-respected and appealed to the audience's sense of nostalgia for a golden age (in a time of uncertainty), so they borrowed the style but replaced anything dangerously thoughtful with easy romantic drivel.

They should fly them into a B&W kitchen sink Britain of the period for some botched backstreet abortions and drunken beatings from a bitter rugby league player.

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