British Comedy Guide

Academic Presentations

I've got give a presentation at college on Tuesday.

10 minutes.


Never given a presentation in my life before. Never. I've only used PowerPoint once.

I've written the slides and I know the subject, but I just go to pieces on public speaking :( My voice goes all weird and monotone.

The audience are my classmates and tutor. Gah. FML.

Any tips?

Yes, I was like that when I had to give one for the first time. I copied Rupert Pupkin from KOC and painted an audience on my bedroom wall and stood there all week reciting my speech, which was quite brilliant btw. The audience on my wall couldn't get enough of me, so I knew I was ready for the other lot.

Don't. Speak. Too. Fast. Pauses are your friends. If you know your stuff then that's all there is to it.

Your fellow students will be with you so they'll have to do it as well. Your tutor wants you to pass. (Honest they do.)

Practise it. Time it. Make your decision as to whether you write everything out on paper or use bullet points on cards as memory joggers.
Try to get into the room where you will be giving the presentation and make sure you know how the AV equipment works. Have the powerpoint on a data stick and also on whatever drive the college lets you access so you have more than one version.

Don't put too much stuff on a slide. For ten minutes you'll probably only need about five. And talk. A bit. slower. than normal. If it helps write in 'pause' on your notes.

Best of.
(I've got mine the week after next.)

People know it's nerve-wracking, so be kind to yourself and remember they're on your side.
Don't be afraid to say 'sorry, bit nervous' or 'lost my place there, bear with me'. So many people panic when they freeze, or freeze when they panic; if you admit it no-one will judge you harshly.

If it's appropriate, have hand-outs of key points or diagrams or references, then at relevant moments you can either send them around the room or if given beforehand, refer people to them so they stop looking at you for a few moments!

Be confident (and if you don't feel it, then act it). If you put yourself across with enthusiasm (without becoming one of those hyperactive salesman-like speakers), make good eye contact and be expressive rather than standing completely still, you should be fine.

I think the most important thing you can do to calm your nerves and ensure a good result is to learn your speech off by heart if you can, or at least most of it. Using a few key words on notes or cards to jog your memory is a good idea. You could treat it a bit like remembering a joke to tell your friends: You don't have to remember all the details, just the punchline and the key moments that get you there and then you can more or less improvise the rest.

If you try and stick to notes too much not only will it seem stilted but it won't give you the freedom to react to your audience as much and will actually make you panic more if you forget where you were.

A bit of a laugh to begin with will help endear the audience to you and relax them.

:) Keep in your mind that you are talking to friends, no worries they are all fallable and will root for you, a fun line at the start will help.

I've felt nervous but these thoughts DID help, 'break a leg'! ;)

I had a friend who started a new job where he was required to regularly talk to a roomful of people. I advised him of the old fear-reducing trick of imaging his audience in their underwear - better still naked - as it was a technique that had always worked for me.

My friend took my advice and initially thanked me, as it worked a treat... however, one thing led to another and - to cut a long story short - he ended-up losing his job as a primary school teacher.

(Boom boom.)

Don't forget to wear brown corderouy trousers...

Memorise it.

Then practise it; walk about wave your hands get comfortable speaking.

Then make sure when you speak it sounds slow to you.

And no one is looking for entertainment so just get it on and get it iver with.

And don't worry like 99.99% of people you won't be Sootyj.

Record yourself saying a few sentences of it, or say it to yourself in front of a mirror once through. It'll make you feel very silly, but it's also incredibly helpful. Good luck! 10 minutes isn't as long as or scary as you think!

I could never do that, I can't bear the sound of my own voice.

Open goal for whoever wants it...

As I often say about standup, if you screw up it's not like they're gonna take you outback and shoot you?

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 26 2011, 8:11 PM GMT

I had a friend who started a new job where he was required to regularly talk to a roomful of people. I advised him of the old fear-reducing trick of imaging his audience in their underwear - better still naked - as it was a technique that had always worked for me.

My friend took my advice and initially thanked me, as it worked a treat... however, one thing led to another and - to cut a long story short - he ended-up losing his job as a primary school teacher.

(Boom boom.)

How does that advice work for people who work in nudist colonies?

Thanks for the support.

After starting this thread yesterday I did a practice run of my presentation. It was 21 minutes long :/

I think I've spread myself too thin. I'm going to cut out the useless bits of padding today.

I'm going to go with the bullet point notes as prompts, I think.

I rarely do presentations but I always take the view that powerpoint slides are for my benefit rather than the audience's. A few bullet points on each slide helps you to tell your story, whereas more information can confuse both you and the audience.

Quote: TopBanana @ November 26 2011, 5:24 PM GMT

I've got to give a presentation at college on Tuesday.

Any tips?

Whatever you do, DON'T think about masturbating during your presentation..

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