British Comedy Guide

What's the most useful thing you learnt at school Page 6

On a serious note,wish I payed more attention at school and got a better education. Left school with no qualifications, just a 10 length swimming certificate and a life saving badge.

Quote: Nogget @ December 1 2011, 7:22 PM GMT

We are led to believe that they are there to educate children, but I believe the primary purpose of a school is to encourage kids to conform. A state only has use for those who choose to conform to its plans.

I and a fair number of other people were lucky enough to go to a very unusual school (though I was only there for my first year of secondary school); it was created by someone who was more of an adventurer and jungle soldier (Freddie Spencer-Chapman) rather that an academic headmaster.

That school 'brought-out' the best is very many of us.

There are some good schools.

Quote: walt @ December 2 2011, 8:19 PM GMT

On a serious note,wish I payed more attention at school and got a better education. Left school with no qualifications, just a 10 length swimming certificate and a life saving badge.

Yeah, but I did a degree in medieval history and trust me there are more vacancies for lifeguards than medieval historians.

:( House-bloody-keeping! Boring but, I came top, yeah really helped me through divorce etc. men chaps etc. They thought great she can do everything.

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