Score Position Name
13 1 Gappy
6 2 Playfull, Firkin
3 3 Me, Patrick
1 4 Otterfox, Tiggy
Skit Comp Hall of Fame Page 5
October 2020
Coming early, like my mother
Score Position Name
11 1 Tiggy
8 2 Gappy
7 3 Playfull, Me
5 4 Thief of bad gags
2 5 Patrick
1 6 Altlapel
Happy New Yearish
Score Position Name
12 1 Wwwwh
9 2 Gappy, Playfull
1 3 Me, Thief of bad gags
Yes. Happy Easterfull.
Score Position Name
10 1 Wwwwwh, Gappy
7 2 Tiggy, Playfull
5.5 3 Otterfox
4.5 4 Firkin
3 5 Alfred J Kipper
2 6 Steve Sunshine, me
1 7 Thief of bad gags
July? No, it's true:
Position Score Name
1 18 Gappy
2 9 Otterfox
3 7 Playfull
4 6 Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh
5 2 Firkin
6 1 Monkers, Tiggy
Cocktober 2021
Position Score Name
1 11 Otterfox
2 10 Lazzard
3 9 Crindy
4 7 Playfull, Gappy
5 5 Me
6 1 Teddy
Time this was updated. Wiping the bedsheet clean.
Position Score Name
1 9 Gappy
2 8 Crindy
3 3 Otterfox
4 2 Playfully
5 1 Teddy, me
Position Score Name
1 11 Gappy
2 7 Otterfox
3 4 Me, Teddy
4 1 Firkin, Thief of Bad Wanks
Position Score Name
1 11 Gappy
2 7 Me
3 4 Otterfox
4 1 Teddy, Alfred
Position Score Name
1 8 Otterfox
2 7 A Plate, Gappy
3 5 Me
4 1 Alfred, Tiggy
Position Score Name
1 8 Gappy
2 7 Otterfox, Me
3 3 APlate
Position Score Name
1 10 Gappy
2 8 Otterfox, APlate
3 3 Crindy
4 2 Teddy, Me
Position Score Name
1 12 Otterfox
2 10 Me
3 6 APlate
4 5 Gappy, Alfred
Position Score Name
1 12 Otterfox
2 11 Gappy
3 10 Me
4 5 APlate
5 1 Firkin
1 14 Otterfox
2 6 Crindy, Gappy
3 4 Teddy, APlate
4 2 Me
5 1 Alfred