British Comedy Guide

Drop The Dead Donkey Page 2

Loved the show. Pitty it ended when it did, it was so so well writen.

I'm just watching series 2 on DVD and enjoying it a lot. Also, Joy was incredibly hot.

I don't know whether anyone else noticed this but George Dent's character changed significantly over the course of time. He started out as quite a hard-nosed type and it was only later that the writing had him becoming ever more 'wet'.

Not sure I agree with you there, he always seemed pretty wet. I'm on episode 2 in the second series and he's already got ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome from worrying about his arsonist daughter. That said, he might get even wetter as the series progressed.

IMHO, they definitely decided to 'up-wet' him as time went by, bringing in a failed marriage and a junkie daughter to spice matters.

I love DtDD. And I agree, I think George was always wet... just more tragically so in latter episodes.

In fact pretty much every character got more extreme as the series progressed - particularly Dave and Damien. The only exception to the rule is Sally who actually seemed to mellow?

Yeah, I don't think George was actually any more wet latterly, but it did show more, and we saw why, and the effects of his wetness, more.

Or something.

I don't mean to labour the point but, as regards the George matter, I'd advise anyone who's interested to revisit the first series, as I've just done on 4OD.

I think you'll be surprised to see just how serious and 'standard' a manager he's portrayed as.

I think a lot of shows tweak their central characters over the years and develop the aspects of him/her that work best. For instance, if you look at Gil Grissom in CSI, or the Mark Harmon character in NCIS, they change quite radically from their early incarnations.

As for DTDD, the show probably became less news focussed towards the ends of its run, and more standard sitcom as we explored the private lives of the characters more. And Joy didn't pop up until Series 2 either.

Great show. I loved the way they always had really up to date jokes. Sometimes even a day old.

Just purchased the six series of this off Amazon, at a very reasonable price. I used to love this, I do hope it doesn't ruin a happy memory. I am particularly looking forward to seeing the Christmas Party episode again, which I remember as being an absolute classic.

6 series? I must watch this. Is it underrated?

No, I think it's justifiably well thought of.

This was one of the classiest, darkest, funniest pieces of satire ever.

And it makes a lot of contemporary stuff look clumsy and safe.

The trouble of course was it was up to the minute topical and so loses something there - although at the start of each episode they tell you what the news items of the time were.

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