When do you start. when you can't pay your bills.
(b) when you want another drink, and everywhere is shut.
(c) When your football team keeps losing,in my case Bowton.
When do you start. when you can't pay your bills.
(b) when you want another drink, and everywhere is shut.
(c) When your football team keeps losing,in my case Bowton.
Dropping stuff and being late, although I flap less now my twilight years are approaching, Such trifling setbacks don't amount to a hill of beans in this meaningless universe.
Where is Bowton?
When I'm mistiming everything, which is much of the time, which usually amounts to being late, as well, or missing things entirely. I've never had a handle on time, it still bewilders me just as much as it did many moons ago, whenever that was. Clocks are the most irritating invention ever. And way way too much importance is given to keeping good time in this world.
When you're trying to do too many things at the same time.
It suddenly all goes to shit and nothing gets done.
And when you're irrevocably late for an appointment but you sort of 'hope' it might be OK.
When trying to get some cleaning up done and just keep tripping over things, stubbing toes or similar. then after flap its time to give up and leave it a mess to trip over and flap about another time
(d) A loved one dies a sudden or gruesome death.
(e) Drafted into a pointless war.
(f) Witnessing the genocide of one's race.
(g) The dissolution of ones marriage and a susequent descent into alcoholism and/or drug abuse. iPhone out of charge.
When the Great War is over and the music is good baby.
Where is Bowton?
Bolton,Lancs... It's what us Oldtimers tend to call it.
When my shoelace breaks>When I cut my nose shaving>When I try to save a bee in the pool and he dies!
Quote: David Bussell @ October 28 2011, 2:59 PM BST(d) A loved one dies a sudden or gruesome death.
(e) Drafted into a pointless war.
(f) Witnessing the genocide of one's race.
(g) The dissolution of ones marriage and a susequent descent into alcoholism and/or drug abuse.iPhone out of charge.
The last one's a doozy. And co-incidently the only one that hasn't happened to me.