Sunday 16th October 2011 5:31pm [Edited]
Falmouth, Cornwall
20 posts
free coffee!
glad to see the words going out, although its a bit quiet around here in that there's not many replies - perhaps this reflects a 'curb your enthusiasm' kind of enthusiasm.
I admit a vested interest, because I have entered a one minute clip, but in general, it's good if people feel like supporting the contest, if only to encourage sponsors like Costa to keep getting involved in supporting new talent.
And 'Yes you can!' vote for me
if you want - in fact you can vote (once only) for everyone who's entered. Presently, there's about a dozen one minute clips, and you don't have to sign up or anything, just watch, judge for yourself, and click the vote now button.
thanks for posting it up Mark
x mac dunlop