British Comedy Guide

Frost on Satire

Still doing the rounds on BBC Four, it is routine cut and paste Frost hackery but did manage to secure some good interviewees. Among those you would expect like Bremner and Hislop there were some interesting US contributions such as Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Tina Fey and Will Ferrel.

There were some glaring omissions and I take it Frost has never heard of Chris Morris or Armando Ianucci so don't expect too much insight.

As we all know from David Frost documentaries, satire was invented in 1962 by David Frost on TW3. The artform was then introduced to America for the first time when the venerable Sir David took the show to the US. No mention at all of the great Tom Lehrer for instance, but plenty about Sir David.

To be fair, a show called Frost On Satire is really quite likely to focus on the host's contribution to the genre - but I agree it's a bit of a bodge piece that overplays his influence in places and could indeed leave the uneducated with the impression that he invented satire.

Did it touch on through the keyhole? Swift and Pope might have something to say on who invented satire but, creative geniuses that they were, I bet they wouldn't claim that either. Nor Chaucer.

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