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Not Going Out - Series 5 Page 5

Quote: Lassoon @ March 25 2012, 6:36 PM GMT

The one where Lee pretends to be blind, closely followed by 'Pregnant'. But they're all brilliant, IMO.


Ah, yes, you mean 'Winner' - I loved that one, but is not one of my favourites.

My 5 favourites are in order:
1) 'Murder at Christmas'
2) 'Fireworks'
3) 'Debbie'
4) 'Art'
5) 'Pregnant'

What's your least favourite episode(s)?

I think the one where Lee rents out the flat to the people making the porn film. It just seemed so rushed, and contrived. :/

Quote: Lassoon @ March 25 2012, 7:01 PM GMT

I think the one where Lee rents out the flat to the people making the porn film. It just seemed so rushed, and contrived. :/

Ah, you mean 'Movie' - yes, I didn't like that episode one bit, I only laughed at least once, no offence to Lee but it was the poorest episode of the entire show. The second poorest in my honest opinion was: 'Librarian'.

I wasn't too keen on Kate's character, mostly because the 'American-jokes-that-Lee-didn't-understand' didn't make me laugh at all.

I love Lucy's character because it was a good idea to make her and Tim brother and sister, it gave the show more development as it introduced Tim and Lucy's parents and gave the show more life and more characters for Lee, Lucy, Tim, Daisy and Barbara to interact with. I think it would also be brilliant if Barbara did actually return for the sixth series and reveal that she was the therapist that Lee got into a fight with after the acupuncture session. That would be brilliant seeing as the characters were the same actress and it would make sense, she had two jobs or something. Who knows. I can't wait for the fifth series.

Apparently, they did explain how Barbara used to be an acupuncturist, but it was never shown! Or filmed, I can't remember.

I didn't mind Kate, but I like the whole thing about Tim and Lucy being brother and sister too.

It was never shown? That's a real shame, that could've been a great moment and a great reference to series one. That's a real shame they cut it out.

Who's your favourite and least (if you have one) character?

Yeah, I can't remember if it was actually filmed, or just discussed. It was on one of the commentaries. I think...

Favourite character: Lee of course!

Least favourite: ...I don't really have one.

My favourite character is, indeed, Lee also. My least was Kate.

I also loved Tim's dad but I never really understood why they changed the actors, the first one was great but when the new one was on in 'Dancing', I thought it was a new character. I was really confused, but he was great in the role as Tim's dad nonetheless.

Yeah he's good as Tim's dad, too. He turns up in the new series, as does Bobby Ball! (I love his character in this!)

Ah yes, Lee's father! It would be great to see what's in store for his character next.

I just want to know what's next in store for Lucy and Lee's relationship.

Quote: Jo Jonathan @ March 25 2012, 7:23 PM BST

I think you may be right, she probably might not return (or at least - not in this series, anyway) as she is filming (or might have finished now) the third series of 'Miranda'.

I believe she's still writing it.

Quote: Aaron @ March 25 2012, 11:52 PM BST

I believe she's still writing it.

She is? Will it be broadcast this year?

I have no idea where I picked this up from, but seem to recall recording is planned for summer, so broadcast is likely at the end of the year.

Quote: Aaron @ March 26 2012, 12:14 PM BST

I have no idea where I picked this up from, but seem to recall recording is planned for summer, so broadcast is likely at the end of the year.

Ah excellent. I shall be looking forward to this then.

Do you have any idea if Miranda/Barbara will return to the show?

I really liked Kate. Probably because she was much fitter than Lucy but I did also like the Yank-centric gags. The tension between Tim and Lee was funnier too.

Bobby Ball is bloody appalling.

I like Kate, Lucy, and Bobby. But not Barbara.

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