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Not Going Out - Series 5 Page 10

An advert on BBC One tonight apparently, didn't see it but maybe others did.

Yeah, there's gotta be some chat show promo stuff within the next week or so I'd have thought.

All I've seen is Lee on the front cover of the Radio Times. (Dressed as a chicken.)


He's (not) Ken Tucky.

Laughing out loud


They showed a trailer just after BBC Breakfast this morning. Nothing extravagant, it was literally just a clip from an episode.

I just saw a clip from "Dads" after Homes Under The Hammer, is that the same one you saw?

No, the clip after Breakfast was from "Band".

It wouldn't kill the BBC to show a trailer for WILTY rather than that excruciatingly unfunny trailer for the Matt Lucas Awards for the umpteenth time, though, surely?

I suspect that, as very popular returning shows, neither WILTY? nor NGO are considered to need an awful lot of pushing.

Sorry, Aaron, but I'm not seeing the logic there at all. If a show is popular, then they will trail it - especially if that show is moving into an unfamiliar timeslot. Just smacks of the Beeb not really caring about it and planning to cancel it sooner or later.

Fair enough on plugging new shows, but WILTY really needs the promotion this year if it's going to survive, and I've seen trailers for everything on the BBC next week except that. Add to the fact that it's been rushed into an unsuitable timeslot before it's ready and it really doesn't look good.

I have started seeing a few more trailers for NGO, though, which is good. Seems odd that they're straightforward excerpts from episodes (and not particularly funny ones either - the clips from "Band" and "Dads" are unoriginal at best) and not something more elaborate though.

I'll avoid getting into conspiracy theories though.

Quote: cwickham @ April 5 2012, 1:59 PM BST

the clips from "Band" and "Dads" are unoriginal at best

Only seen the 'Dads' trailer so far but it made me giggle. Cannot wait for the new series next week. Very pleased that there is a new series of WILTY on the same night- bonus! Although you're right, 8.30 against Corrie does seem like an odd timeslot for it... Still, NGO- Woo!

The BBC website has a clip of Lee & Tim singing in the flat, which looks like its only been uploaded today. It's a new one I hadn't seen before, so no idea how many different clips are flying around at the moment! But for the record.... I was in stitches :)

That was brilliant!

They had to retake that scene FAR too many times.

I can imagine!

So, was Lee playing the guitar for real or not? :)

In all honesty, I forget precise detail so don't hold me to this... but no. I don't think so.

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