British Comedy Guide


Hello to everyone, and anyone who is kind enough to read the following.. Basically; I started to write it as ‘stand-up’.. but somehow it seems to have ‘morphed’ into one of those ‘Daily Mail’ readers letters, signed; ‘Concerned of Droitwich’
So please don’t hesitate to offer any sort of opinion or advice…
many thanks! ...ShellyADHDTV.

‘I ’ve just moved from a medium sized town in Suffolk, to a small village in Suffolk, which are only15 miles apart, but are different in so many ways, almost every way in fact…Except two.
And these two ‘constants.’ these two laws, apply to every street, every row of shops, and every public space in England. …these two constants are, of course; Mobile phones, & Teenaged Hoodies; Who, according to most; are jointly responsible for all the rudeness; invasiveness, and disrespect, dished out, and nearly always responsible for the high pitched, repetitive, and annoying whining, to be heard. Both, have been left to roam, unchallenged, and un-nurtured, (sometimes even encouraged) and subsequently, have become more successful, and more ruthless, than any ‘jack-booted’ army of ‘Triffids,’ tanked up on ‘Japanese bindweed,’ could ever dream of.
How is it that two, seemingly indispensable ’man-made’ objects, whose combined years on this planet, total less than thirty, have become the masters?. Is it because we have become a nation of ‘non bud-nippers,‘ too scared to act in case we’re mugged or sued? And so now there’s no known cure?
But fear not, my legion of spineless Frankenstein’s, because time will sort it all out for us. You see, time is a great healer; and all the time, somewhere, these spotty teenagers are becoming adults, and these mobile phones are becoming binned.
But time is also a pretty good shit-stirrer, and is constantly sending enemy reinforcements, screaming over every hill, to your village or your town….
whilst you, (and me) just sit there, at home, shaking, and getting older, and weaker.’…

I liked it you could work it into a Standup act quite easily, Flows nicely got a definate voice good pacing I enjoyed it.

I thought it was really good Shelly. I agree with Gavin about the distinctive voice. It also avoids obvious jokes which I always like in stand up.

thanks for those nice words, I do try very hard not to go over 'old ground' and I think it flows well enough for 'stand up' simply 'cause it is all written from audio, I use one of them dictafone thingys..

Which one do you have? I was thinking of getting one to record my stand up gigs.

It's an 'Olympus vn-240pc' if i'm reading the right bit.. I've had it a couple of years, but I'ts great.

Thanks Shelly I'm off to ebay.

Seems more like the kind of thing you'd say from the top of a soap box then a stand up bit. It's well written and has a good sentiment, but I don't find it funny

Stand up is all about delivery, if you wrote down most stand up it wouldn't be funny.

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