Decades ago there was a sketch format comedy show where two characters were called Mr and Mrs Straightman. In one sketch a burger bar called Macbeths had dead Scottish kings left strewn across the counter. There was also an astrologer giving horoscopes like "Sagitarius has been in conjunction with The Ram. And I watched the whole thing through my telescope!"
I think Mrs Straightman may have been Denise Coffey.
Any ideas, Laughter Lovers?
Name of show, please
Thanks, Nil Putters. Been racking my brain for years. I thought this prog was hilarious at the time. But the show was transmitted in a time-slot which paid less money to the writers so they refused to do any more.
No problem.
Thanks for that sadly forgotten gem.
I remember very little apart from an English Civil War-set sketch about the Wigfinder General who sent the scared villagers scouring to hide their bad toupes.
Did I see Boycie's Marlene in that clip?
She was in the series according to IMDB, so likely.