Anyone else a fan of these guys? For those not in the know, you may be and not know it. Drs Adam Kay and Suman Biswas are musical parodists (is that a word?), having created the infamous London Underground song to the tune of The Jam's Going Underground, not forgetting Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin (Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious), and of course Northern Birds ("Northern sex is worse than rape, Stay down south and mark my words, Steer well clear of northern birds").
Personally, I think they're not far short of genius - not least for 'Disney Time', which makes me giggle every time - so I'm very excited to have grabbed a couple of tickets to one of their live shows in a couple of weeks. Can't wait.
More info. Download some ch00ns. Buy the album Fitness to Practice, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Relief.