Sunday 8th January 2012 12:27pm
9,136 posts
Quote: Park Bench @ January 8 2012, 11:25 AM GMT
I just thought that some sort of description might help, that wouldn't be apparent in the dialogue, i.e. age and attire.
DAVE(35,Casually dressed):
Personally, I think descriptors like this belong in the action.
If there mode of dress/age is important, put it there.
If it isn't, don't put it in at all.
Parenthicals (bits in brackets!) should really apply to the speech rather than the speaker,ie to help with the read.
Though, it is legitmate to put them in the middle of dialogue to save breaking out into an action slug - which can break the flow ie
Yeah, I only smoke with meals, now.
(hands back lighter)
I'm down to 40 meals a day.
Then there's stull like (V.O) and (O.S)...
It's easy to descend into bracket hell.
Quote: Park Bench @ January 8 2012, 11:25 AM GMT
As for my sitcom writing, there seems to be a lot of 'evolution' taking place, which is making it take a different path from which I first intended. It's almost a though it's taken on a life of its own and I'm just here to do the typing.
That's so often the way.
What'll happen is, it'll go somewhere you weren't expecting and end up better.
Then you'll have to re-write the first half to match the vastly superior second!