Lee Henman
Friday 5th October 2012 2:10am [Edited]
5,183 posts
Thoroughly enjoyed it. Really felt like a welcome return to old-skool Red Dwarf. Grinned lots. Even laughed out loud, especially at the resentment faces. And lovely to see the sets returning to that slightly-ramshackle feel. It all adds to the Dwarfian atmos - all that green screen crap spoils the show IMHO. Apparently the set walls were made from hundreds of IKEA cutlery trays. Brilliant!
Great first episode, looking forward to the rest. Wish Rimmer's brother hadn't said "twat" though. I was planning on watching the rest of the series with my young son who loves a bit of Dwarf. Now I'll have to check it first for rudery. Yeah I'm old-fashioned like that. 
PS: My only major gripe is the Simulant's story. The reason I have a gripe is that umm...there was no story. I didn't really understand why she did what she did, apart from her explaining that she was sick of being a slave or whatever. Was it referenced earlier? Seemed a bit out of the blue.
Having said that, I was well-stuck into my 3rd glass of wine by then so I might've missed summat. I'll revisit tomorrow.