Tom Pk
Saturday 23rd June 2007 3:40am [Edited]
260 posts
Ha Cheers Skibb. With regards to me not reaching 30, is that cause I look derpessed? If so a lot of people tell me that when I'm not making any particular expression and I always say "it's the way my face falls" You see I have downward sloping eyes which look sad, in fact I'm rarely close to sad. I'm gonna go on forever, I don't believe in death, can't see the point.
With regards to the scripts thanks a lot. Gibb and Will are particular faves of mine too. Thanks for the tip about Play and Record, I'm always looking for new places to send them to try and get them seen.
Any thoughts on Bonus Features?
I can't find 'Play and Record' Skibb do you have a link?