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PhoneShop - Series 2

They've started recording Series 2 in the High Street. A different shop to the last series though.

I only managed to see the pilot and the first episode of Series 1. I did want to get into it though because I'm sure once I got used to the dislikeable characters I would've found it funny - especially the chavvy rivalry between Sutton and Croydon.

I only saw the first episode of series one and that was shockingly bad.

I'm amazed this has been picked up for another run.

The pilot never hooked me in. Been watching the re-runs recently though and whilst it's not great, it has its moments. Martin Trenaman is a pretty funny fella and makes it quite watchable.

It was ok, a few laughs but I was put off by the Ali G-esque accennts of some of the characters.

Supposedly they're all middle-class and trying to keep up with the younger high-street culture. Plus, it gives the characters a bit more room to be loose tongued.

No - just typical Croydon.


It's not for everyone (clearly), but I thought the first series was great. The second season kicks off at 10pm tonight (E4).

Isn't this series 3?

I thought series 2 was fantastic

Having watched series 3 first episode, all I can say is...... bombastic

Loving and licking every minute of it

Quote: martin jones @ November 12 2011, 12:16 AM GMT

Isn't this series 3?


Bloody feels like it. Unimpressed

Yeah I stand corrected.

It's series 2

I must have seen the pilot or something and assumed that was an episode of series 1, it was a bit shit, vis-a-vis that episode didn't do it for me.

Therefore, in retrospect vision:

I thought series 1 was fantastic

Having watched series 2 first episode, all I can say is...... bombastic

Loving and licking every minute of it.

More, more, more

Quote: martin jones @ November 12 2011, 10:57 PM GMT

I thought series 1 was fantastic

Having watched series 2 first episode, all I can say is...... bombastic

Loving and licking every minute of it.

More, more, more

Tonight's episode was even better imo, the opening 'old man face'/Heskey and Rooney bit had me rolling.

Some great lines as always:

"I'm not in the market for becoming a Spunkle."
"Let's see who comes back with grey pubes in their teeth"

These two are the funniest thing on TV atm:


I think I might be in the minority, but I've really liked Series 2.

Quote: Splodge @ December 13 2011, 12:09 AM GMT

I think I might be in the minority, but I've really liked Series 2.

It's been great. The Christopher 'tough guy' episode and the Razz Prince peppered finale were both hilarious, but it's been consistently funny throughout. Roll on series 3 :)

Oh man!!! Last night's episode was bad!!! And I'm not trying to be street when I say that!! What the f**k was that Iranian fella thinking?!! I've only just managed to take my hand away from my eyes, because he/it was so cringeworthy. The whole thing reminded me of one of my Primary school Drama lessons, when some of the boys would get carried away trying to get laughs. The success of his crank call show must've gone to his head, and now he thinks he can say any old shit and get a laugh. The same thing happened with Reeves and Mortimer, and look at them now.

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