Kev F
Monday 3rd October 2011 1:41pm [Edited]
689 posts
SITCOM TRIALS - my votes Oct 2011
A Fish Tale - I'm afraid my Mac won't open .docx files for some reason so I can't read or vote on this.
Animal Something - See Fish Tale. I can't open .docx scripts. If you upload again as a .doc I could read it. Unable to vote.
Apocalyptic Cake Sale by Vic Gore - YES. Very good dialogue that could play brilliantly, and a premise that could turn into something. Very good dialogue.
Art For Art Sake by Steve Tracey - MAYBE. Too much talking, not enough action; Dread Zeppelin is a real band; and "what could possibly go wrong?" is the worst cliffhanger line ever. But I'll give it the benefit of the doubt as the format is promising.
As Plain As Day by Richard Dowling - YES. Jolly good fun, very good central character, and not a bad story in a short time, with good laughs throughout.
Doing It For The Kids by Ian Clarke - YES. A little Dinnerladies meets League of Gentlemen meets an old Armstrong & Miller sketch, but pleasantly Radio 4-ish with some good lines and promising characters.
Go Wild In The Country - written by me so I'll abstain from voting on it.
Kiss Me Son Of God - written by me so I'll refrain from voting on it.
Leaping Tiger by Dave Powell - YES. Very silly, and a bit of a stretch to imagine it as a series. But it made me laugh and is pretty original.
Love Bites by Colin Rogers - NO. For half the script two blokes talk about things that have happened in the past but nothing happens. Then they go to a party and surprisingly little happens, none of it very funny.
Main Text - I couldn't open the docx file, so can't read or vote on it.
Not At The Allotment by perfunctory123 - NO. Slightly odd and rambling, with a very sudden end. Not sure it was going anywhere, though the writer has some good ideas along the way.
Stepping Stone by Stephen Laing - MAYBE. Good attempt at characters in an original setting, but the dialogue is a bit flat and not enough happens.
Taking of Peckham 123/Footlights by Bob Johnson - NO. All a bit too News Huddlines for me. People exchanging gags rather than telling a story.
Talent Spotters by Sean Knight - NO. A very short sketch with lots of stuff in it, but none of it very funny.
The Mad Axe Man & Her by Debbie Rayner - YES. Excellent characters, dialogue and action from the start. A bit short with no cliffhanger to speak of, but I'm sure we could work on that.
The Tragic Life of Roger Bulwark by Luke Cedar - MAYBE. Original premise, reminiscent of that thing with the man in a dog suit on BBC 2 last month, and good story. Not that funny, but could work.
The Wednesday Thursday Club by Bart Hulley & Stuart Allen - MAYBE. Quite a lot of characters to squeeze into a small space, but some good fun starts and this could possibly work.
There you go folks, that didn't take too long. 3 scripts I couldn't open, two I chose not to vote on, 4 get a NO, 4 get a MAYBE, and 5 get a YES from me. Who's next to vote? You'll find all the scripts to vote on here in the SitsVac files.
Kev F