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Ben Dudgeon - An Acting Tour de Force


In just under an hour of quick-fire, quick-change, non-stop theatre, the disturbing characteristics and the occasionally crude language of the (definitely odd-ball!) characters that Benjie Dudgeon brought to life on the stage was unlike anything most of them would have seen before.
But they would all surely have agreed that it was an acting tour de force.
He'll be performing at Laughing Horse at Café Renroc, Edinburgh at 10pm anytime until the 28th of Aug (not the 21st) as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
A British adaptation of Eric Bogosian's most hilarious characters from Drinking in America, Sex Drugs and Odd People and Pounding Nails in the floor with my forehead. It's like a far out sketch show on speed!
Benjie Dudgeon will be performing all eleven of the show's characters. So let's introduce a Yorkshire terrorist, an Urban Pervert, a self help guru and the man too-stoned-for-clothes, among others. They followed each other onto the stage and each had a distinct, no matter how dislocated, persona. Even when one was appalled by the characters it was the characters who appalled, not the actor who played them.
Benjie Dudgeon has collaborated with actor Anton Saunders (Downton Abbey Series 2, The Heavy, Gangster No. 1) to update Bogosian's 1980's phenomenon about late night New York, into a highly original and theatrical show about contemporary British culture.
Thus those Fringe review plaudits "chameleon-like performer" and "The piece is brought to the stage with clarity and an engaging honesty that both amuses and touches" are plaudits that Benjie Dudgeon deserves. Other testimonials:

...a rapid sequence of characterizations, each no more than 5 minutes or so. But they progressed from the somewhat unsettling, to humourous, then outrageous, wildly funny and finally down-right shocking.
(Andy Webb, Lustleigh review, Devon)

"Benjie Dudgeon kills us with phenomenal commitment and powerful monologues. Dangerous, biting and humane, this show deserves success in Edinburgh. Watch out for Drinking in America.'"
(Dominic Kelly, The Salon Collective)

"You are a force of nature!"
(Indrah Bose, Producer)

"Well done tonight! Very very good. Katie and I really enjoyed ourselves. Your quick scene changes, great characterisations, and wonderful props made for a very entertaining evening. You'll go down very well in Edinburgh."
(Alexander Holt, Digital White)
"Dudgeon has versatility as an actor and he throws himself into the work with obvious commitment."
(Malcolm Eadie, Remote Goat)
"The first time Benjie displayed his talents in Bergh Apton was a few years ago when he portrayed a young English visitor to an American penitentiary where he met and conversed with a convicted killer on Death Row. One knew he had talent. Now a fully-trained actor with both straight and musical experience in the professional theatre under his belt he definitely has the skills and stage presence to succeed!"
(John Ling)

Please be advised that the show contains some strong language and some scenes of a less than puritanical nature.

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