British Comedy Guide

Doug Stanhope Vs Texas

Having spent so long listening to hours upon hours upon hours
of the three greats: Lenny Bruce, George Carlin and Bill Hicks,
I often wondered who the next 'Great' will be.

There's so many really funny Men and Women out there it's unreal, but I tend to think there's no truly iconic, rockstar comedian on the scene.

Anyway, 99% of what Doug Stanhope says is funny as funny gets, there's
just a slightly overly-vulgar or overly-crass element that sometimes creeps
into his rambles (like his Sarah Palin/baby stuff, just no need for it beyond the initial line) to prevent any true, purist, God Of Comedy type accolade, in my judgemental eyes at least.

That said, I think he's the best there is at the moment and here's a clip some of you who follow him may know, others might not.

The "Troops" bit never fails to crack me up.

A quite masterful handling of hostility.

You want us to critique Doug Stanhope?

F**k! I thought I was in the People + Stand Up bit.

Sorry about that. Shit! I need to sleep for longer.

I'd like them to move it to there if poss.

:$ :$ :$ :$

I've realised I had different windows up on my screen. I was reading
through all the "Hall Of Shame" entries and getting depressed by the names, Whitehall and friends, decided to talk about one of the good guys. Must've pressed 'new thread' after reading Tony's stand up script though.

Sorry. I am v.tired. The Red Bull on the Red Bull can is actually moving.

Moved it for you! :)

I forgive you, Jack. Just don't you dare disappoint me again.

So what does anyone think of the guy's style of humour?

Anyone? Lofthouse? No? Stott? Anyone?

:( I am so alone.

I'll be honest, the only time I've seen or heard him is on those little bits he did on a Charlie Brooker show.

There's a full show on YouTube "No Refunds" about an hour or so, pretty ruthless guy.

Only just discovered another guy I've never heard of before;
Jimmy Dore, downloaded a show expecting little and the guy is actually funny, like Mark Thomas if Mark Thomas actually had a sense of humour.

Personally I find his voice really annoying, he has some good idea's some times, but doesn't turn the idea's into particularly good jokes and isn't a very good performer.

I'll be interested to see the sort of comedy you produce if these are the sort of guys you're into...

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