British Comedy Guide


The totally legal recommendations of TV shows, films and other such things that aren't available through licensed broadcasts, purchasable media or download thread.

Without posting links or making anymore of a suggestion then I am as to where we may find said things. Would anyone perfectly legally be able to recommend lost, forgotten, never released, banned, new, old TV shows and films that are available through other sources?

I recently acquired three different Milton Jones radio series that I previously haven't heard before and missed, now looking forward to listening to.

Any US Tv series that we should know about that won't see the light of day over here. And vice-versa. Any British shows that we can recommend to our Americana buddies?

Do this thread make sense???

Ha! Yes I think so.

So if one was aware of a set of MP3's available through a method that isn't called titborrent of 4 series of a radio show which isn't called Newsjohn, but may have a similar name, then this would be the thread to not recommend dowloading it?

WTF are you talking about???????????????

Quote: 404 Not Found @ August 6 2011, 7:04 PM BST

So if one was aware of a set of MP3's available through a method that isn't called titborrent of 4 series of a radio show which isn't called Newsjohn, but may have a similar name, then this would be the thread to not recommend dowloading it?


This thread was an awful idea. The 'I've Just Seen' thread probably serves the purpose what was intended here anyway.

As an example of what I was trying to achieve, I could suggest the TV show 'United States of Tara' as something to "acquire". I believe this hasn't been broadcast over here in the UK (I could be wrong). It's quite a fun series, although has now been axed. But still probably worth a watch. And something someone may have missed if I hadn't have suggested it.


Did you edit the title of this thread too? I'm convinced it wasn't called this yesterday.

Adding the word 'slimoo' to your searches might be beneficial. Just saying.

I'm not sure if series 2 of Better Off Ted was ever broadcast over here, and it's not on DVD, so check that out. Parks And Rec, too.

Better Off Ted did not work for me. Seemed slightly of skew from being good.

Quote: Afinkawan @ August 8 2011, 10:53 AM BST

Adding the word 'slimoo' to your searches might be beneficial. Just saying.


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