British Comedy Guide

William Stockbridge.26/10/1920 - 13/01/2003 Page 2




LO is something men claim they like to do, yet avoid as much as possible.
15 is the age my bambino Kyle was squirted down my birth canal. He was 9 weeks early.
He was an ugly baby & i refused to believe he was mine. I wanted the fat one with oodles of dark hair, not the one that looked like a gremlins foetus. Still he is gorgeous now. Like his mummy.

I like it.

Although the memory is fading now.

I enjoyed this Charley, very touching and I was left wanting more.

Well done:D

Thank you Jude. xxxxxxxx

another good job, charley... I like this a lot! I didn't think the 'punchline' was quite as strong as 'Mary Stockbridge' but it's a minor point. They both make very funny (and touching) sketches. Comparable to 'Still Game', I reckon.

I prefer these to the 'Town Heads'... perhaps because they are drawn from real situations. It just gives them more depth. I'd love to see more in this vein from you.

Love it, Charley. Trim it a bit and it'll be perfect (That's what I say to my bird too hem hem!)

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