Summer Holiday is five syllables with a clearly defined beat.
Heraldic Visitation is seven and you would have to speed up your singing to fit it in the beats available. Get it on YouTube - maybe it's just my imagination that is wrong.
Heraldic Visitation Page 2
Ah, yes, but since there's no following line to be sung, you can stretch the last syllable for as long or little as you like, especially if you have a half-beat between 'going on a' and 'heraldic'. I'm now sat here singing the same line over and over. Quite sinister.
I would suggest we're all going on heraldic visitations, slightly better with six syllables as the 'her' replaces the 'a'.
Have been trying that (not all afternoon- I stopped to eat lunch) but now just singing 'heral-al-aldic visitations'. Perhaps the whole thing should be to music. A medley of Cliff's greatest hits perhaps?